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Internet, web, HTML, Benoît

Evan Roth, Landscape with a Ruin
Evan Roth, Landscape with a Ruin→ Ouvrir le lien

The single most important thing you need in order to have a career in the arts is persistence. The second most important thing you need is talent. The third most important thing is a grounding in how the online world works. Its that Important.

Cory Doctorow from Information Doesn't Want to Be Free: Laws for the Internet Age. 2014 (in Net art && cultures)


Olia Lialina, Summer
Olia Lialina, Summer→ Ouvrir le lien

Internet, web, serveurs, ..

Sir Tim Berners-Lee (co-inventeur du web / 1989) + Vint Cerf (inventeur du protocole TCP/IP - 1974)
Sir Tim Berners-Lee (co-inventeur du web / 1989) + Vint Cerf (inventeur du protocole TCP/IP - 1974)→ Ouvrir le lien→ Ouvrir le lien

Nos outils

HTML: Structure et balises

  • Principes généraux du langage HTML
  • Structure générale
  • Doctype ( + ! )
  • Balises de 1er niveau : html, head, body et balises metas (et leur impact sur le SEO notamment)
  • Balises d'entête (title, meta, style, script..)
  • Balises de type block : header, footer, h1, h2, ... , ul, ol, li, div, p, blockquote, img, table, form, canvas..
  • Balises de type inline : span, a, strong, em
  • Balises orphelines (hr, img..)
  • Les attributs
  • Les commentaires

Listes des principales balises HTML

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

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